Eventually, It Rains
Though we like to spend a lot of time outside when we take RV trips, eventually, it rains. Over the past 2 years, we have collected about 200 DVD’s for the times when it rains, or when the kids are bored when we are driving, or when there is nothing on TV.
Our problem until recently with our movie collection was the space it took to store them and even more, when a kid wants to watch a movie while we are driving. Of course, he doesn’t know which one and then would like me to stand and read off the 200 choices. There is also the issue that not all movies are appropriate for all audiences.
Recently, we found a great solution to our problem. We bought CD portfolios ( Case Logic 72 CD/DVD Case). We bought one for adults and one for the kids. In an effort keep things somewhat organized, we printed labels with the name of the movies in alphabetical order. We also printed labels and left space for sequels that we might not currently own, but will likely purchase at some point. Over time, new additions will likely just be added to the end to avoid having to re-sort them every time we add a new movie, but for now they are easy enough to find.
Now I can just hand out the entire case and they can make their selection at their leisure.
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